Wednesday, July 22, 2009

The President and First Lady watch the Fourth of July, 2009 fireworks in Washington DC

Super Foam-erator


In my quest for summer activities to entertain the boys for free or cheap I came across this easy bubble maker in our favorite kids magazine!!Go to: Family Fun Magazine for this and more cool things.
Super Foam-erator
Plastic water bottle, empty
Scrap of terry cloth, such as an old wash cloth
Rubber band
Xacto knife
Bubble or dish soap
Small plate or flat lid

1) Using an Xacto knife, carefully cut the bottom off of a small water bottle.
2) Cover the bottom opening with a scrap of terry cloth and secure tightly with a rubber band.
3) Dampen terry cloth with a little water
4) Pour bubble or dish soap onto a plate and dip terry cloth end into soap.
5) Blow gently into top of bottle — have fun!

My nephews Andolis Jr 5, and Adonis 3, had a blast with this outside, it’d probably be fun in the bathtub as well. They decorated all of the outdoor furniture with foam and gave each other foam “hairstyles”. When you're all done playing, hose everything and every body off!