"Lord, you are:
A companion to my spirit-
Father and Shepherd of a life;
Perplexing at times for me.
Designing a purpose for me.
Fashioned in you,
I am in need of nothing
But the riches coming from
The depths of your love.
Lord, you are my Shepherd.
May your hands calm my rough waters
When I am tossed by swift currents
Fleeting wind.
May my soul be restored,
Reconciled with body,
Delighting in its abode.
May the focus of my eyes stay fixed
Upon images of your face in all of
Lord, you are my shepherd.
Anoint my head with your oil;
Bathe me with the sweet perfume
Of your Word.
Penetrate my spirit with your truths,
That I may reflect such
To a hungry world.
Fill my cup overflowing
With your presence,
That my heart may sing in jubilation
Songs of your unceasing love.
Lord, you are my Shepherd,
The bosom of your temple
Will be my dwelling place forever.
Lord, my Shepherd,
Blest am I, your sheep!"
Ms. Joanne Starks
Your friend,
Dorothy ValcĂ rcel, AuthorWhen A Woman Meets Jesushttp://us.mc1147.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=Dorothy@Transformationgarden.com
A companion to my spirit-
Father and Shepherd of a life;
Perplexing at times for me.
Designing a purpose for me.
Fashioned in you,
I am in need of nothing
But the riches coming from
The depths of your love.
Lord, you are my Shepherd.
May your hands calm my rough waters
When I am tossed by swift currents
Fleeting wind.
May my soul be restored,
Reconciled with body,
Delighting in its abode.
May the focus of my eyes stay fixed
Upon images of your face in all of
Lord, you are my shepherd.
Anoint my head with your oil;
Bathe me with the sweet perfume
Of your Word.
Penetrate my spirit with your truths,
That I may reflect such
To a hungry world.
Fill my cup overflowing
With your presence,
That my heart may sing in jubilation
Songs of your unceasing love.
Lord, you are my Shepherd,
The bosom of your temple
Will be my dwelling place forever.
Lord, my Shepherd,
Blest am I, your sheep!"
Ms. Joanne Starks
Your friend,
Dorothy ValcĂ rcel, AuthorWhen A Woman Meets Jesushttp://us.mc1147.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=Dorothy@Transformationgarden.com